Meet Our Guides

  • Hamaima


    Shamanic Ceremonies - Energy Healing - New Earth Guide - Channeling - Music of the New Earth

    Hamaima is a Shamanic Practitioner, Musician and New Earth channel with many years of experience in holding space for yoga classes, workshops, ceremonies and retreats world wide. In her work she combines ancient practices from different spiritual traditions to guide and empower those, who feel drawn to the vibration she carries.

  • Kelsey

    Trauma Therapy - Psycho Therapy

    Kelsey is a trained Psychologist with a focus on trauma and attachment. Through her own inner work and growth, she has found enormous healing potential through undergoing and then integrating non-ordinary states of consciousness into her everyday awareness. This has resulted in a marrying of her grounded western psychological education with more alternative, holistic methods.

    She is particularly passionate about her work with plant medicines and provides support to individuals preparing to undergo psychedelic work as well as support following these experiences to help understand and integrate them into their everyday lives.

  • Anna

    Desert Rose Priestess - Midwife of the veils - Womb Healer - Prayer Keeper

    A student of the ancient gnostic mysticism embodied by the Essene lineage.

    A lover of Devotional Arts in committed service to the Goddess. I desire to nourish each moment with my presence and inspire the power of beauty and ritual as a vibrational invitation for the Divine to enter our lives.

  • Gibby


    Gibby founded the Soul Sanctuary in the UK with his wife Lucy who is a reiki master... and they run transformational healing retreats, sweatlodges, workshops and events in the UK & Ireland. We have co-created a very special network of; medicine circles, space holders and holistic healing practioners, including therapists, guides and healers.

    Gibby runs our community channels, so reach out to him if yo wuld like to join.

  • Kaylan

    Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher - Counselor / Life Coach - Neuro-Linguistic Programming & Emotional Freedom Technique - Cacao Ceremony

    Kaylan provides support if you’re looking to reduce stress, heal from burnout and PTSD or find help for anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness or compulsive behaviors.

    People also seek Kaylan’s support to learn about Meditation and Mindfulness, or to work on personal, spiritual growth and self-development

  • Finóla

    Art Therapy - Family Constellations - Reiki - Oracle readings

    Finóla Ann is an Art Psycho Therapist, offering creative therapies and integration to all; specific focus on guidance for Parents and Children. She integrates her work with Family Constellations Ancestral Therapy. Also offering a variety of Energy Healing works; including Reiki, Somatic Body Awareness & Breathwork.

    Through this online platform she is offering Intuitive, Integration and Therapeutic exploration sessions. A combination of Creative Therapy and Ancestral Trauma healing.

  • Geneviève Couillard

    Dream Weaver, Singer, Sound and Energy Healer, Retreat Facilitator

    Genevieve started her career as an Opera Singer travelling around the world sharing her voice. Through these adventures she began to uncover the beautiful and healing properties of Sound and Music. With this inspiration, Genevieve embarked on her Spiritual Path studying various modalities of Healing including Breathwork, Massage Therapy, Energy Healing, QHHT Hypnosis and of course, Sound Therapy.

  • Jane

    Kundalini Yoga - Children’s Yoga

    Jane is a trained Kundalini Yoga and Specialist Children’s Yoga Teacher, including pre and post natal. Through the movement of the body (asanas), creative breathing (pranayama), focused meditations (celestial) and energy work (chakra’s, colour, crystals, sound). Jane is devoted to working with children of all ages to improve their mental and physical well-being.

    She works with neuro diverse children, trauma, disabilities, children with anxiety, low self esteem/confidence and children who feel they just don’t fit in. Jane has a wealth of experience to help create the energetic shift needed to allow each child to understand their mind and body, living a healthy, happy, free life.

    She offers monthly yoga classes online for families and 1-1 packages to fit each child’s needs.

  • Janine

    Birth Doula - Meditation

    Born 1983, mother of 3 wonderful home-birthed babies, with love for every transforming contraction of life. It was evident very early for Janine that her life will be in the service of mothers and babies, primarily supporting families as a whole.

    Now she works as a birth doula, baby massage instructor and volunteer and guide to programs supporting parents from pregnancy up until babies 3rd birthday for the parents to become the capable knowledgeable experts they need to be for the beautiful souls they welcomed into this world.

  • Jay

    Coaching - Metaphysics

    Based at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, Jay works with adults who have experienced a powerful glimpse or awakening moment, and are now deeply invested in exploring their path to Self. It could be a brand new experience you are struggling to adjust to, or a long term journey that requires re-calibration. Jay acts as a coach and a guide, asking questions, offering pointers and providing support as you move along your path. The intent is not to teach or provide answers…your path is unique and for you to explore. The intent is to support you as you identify your path, and to help guide your next few steps.

  • Johanna Hari Sant

    Intuitive Conversations - Guided Meditation - Chant - Individual Yoga Practice

    Johanna HariSant is an international Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Shakti School Facilitator and Vegan Chef.

    Johanna HariSant has studied and keeps studying different lineages such as Hatha - Ayurveda -and Kundalini Yoga, crystal healing and Reiki. She is a supportive trainer for KRI Level 1 teacher Trainings in Kundalini Yoga as well as part of the team of Shaktischool - a women’s circle facilitator training.

  • Josie

    Josie Seydel, AFBPsS, C.Psychol, is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist with over two decades of extensive clinical experience. A member of the Health Care Professionals Council and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Josie offers a profound blend of psychological expertise and spiritual guidance. Her career encompasses diverse roles, including work with adolescent in-patient mental health, forensic services, domestic abuse, refugee and asylum seeker services, and outpatient eating disorder services.

  • Kwali Kumara

    Kwali Kumara

    Kundalini Yoga - Meditation - Serpent Healer - Ceremonialist

    Kwali Kumara is a magnetic, uplifting and inspiring kundalini yoga and gong meditation teacher. She creates a high vibration, safe, sacred space for healing and transformation to occur. Her nurturing nature, passionate energy and colourful heart-felt enthusiasm for the teachings is highly infectious and motivating.

    Kwali is also a Serpent Healer, Sacred Ceremonialist, Yin Yoga Instructor and Mantra Artist having produced four albums with composer Pete Ardron. Their music is an ‘ancient future fusion’ that merges both her dance music past with her yoga teaching present. She is an accomplished multiple Gong player with over a decade of experience in sacred sound.

  • Mitch

    Psychic Medium - Psychic Development Teacher - Shamanic Practitioner

    Mitch Ott, he has been blessed with the gift of connecting to Spirit.

    Mitch’s abilities are vast and impactful. As a psychic medium, Mitch communicates with souls who have passed away to help offer powerful healing and closure. Known for being incredibly accurate and specific, his readings offer clarity, insight, and life-changing guidance. With a smile on his face and love in his heart, Mitch provides answers to questions that people have been searching for their entire lives.

  • Niamh

    Biofield Tuner - Cacao Ceremonialist

    Niamh is deeply passionate about holistic health and wellness. After years of practicing as a physiotherapist, her own healing journey led her to discover the transformative powers of Biofield Tuning and Ceremonial Cacao. Combining the best of science and spirituality, Niamh uses tuning forks to bring balance and harmony to the body’s energy field, offering a multitude of benefits. Niamh works with all ages, all genders, and all levels of experience. Often described as “intuitive, trustworthy, and a magician with tuning forks,” Niamh invites you to experience the profound healing she offers.

  • Nina Medicina

    Transformational Breathwork - Embodied Movement - Herbal Wisdom - Cacao Ceremonies

    Nina Medicina, a Nordic Medicine Woman and Ceremonialist, is deeply committed to reviving the rich traditions of ceremonies and women's circles, fostering a sense of community deeply rooted in the natural world.

    Her practice is a blend of transformational breathwork, embodied movement, herbal wisdom, and heart-opening cacao ceremonies, all woven together with the essence of music and sound. Nina's passion and knowledge lies in empowering others and offering the tools and inspiration needed for you to courageously embark on your own path of healing and self-discovery.

  • Patrick


    Kundalini Activations - Sound Healing - Crystal Healing - 1:1 Coaching - Angelic Reiki

    Patrick’s means of coaching, healing and working as a wholistic practitioner consist of unique methods dependent on the necessary modality or technique required to obtain desired results. If you feel drawn you'll know if we're meant to work together.

    A high-quality coach adept at incorporating techniques and practices from traditional lineages blends ancient wisdom with modern methodologies. With a deep desire to listen and reflect aspects unseen alone. By integrating mindfulness, meditation, energy work, and ancestral wisdom, Patrick guides clients towards deeper self-awareness, healing, and growth. With respect for cultural authenticity and a commitment to ethical practices, he empowers individuals, groups and businesses to harmonize mind, body, and spirit, facilitating profound and lasting transformation

  • Shaun

    Retreat Leader - Teacher - Shamanic Guide - Breathworker - Men’s Work Specialist

    Shaun is a global traveller based in the South West of Australia on powerful Indigenous land named Wardandi Boodja, salt water country, where he weaves his medicine of healing and transformation between the Earth and Cosmos. Connected with his Q’ero teachers and the wisdom of the Andes to be a bridge for higher consciousness.

    He is highly experienced in teaching and mentoring, having worked with all ages in the realm of education and personal growth before leaping into his sacred work as a shamanic guide and retreat leader.

    Over the last 17 years, he has been obsessed with human potential, peak performance, and healing. Since 15 years old he was immersed in self-development and has been guided to modalities from all over the world through his own personal experience and journey of initiation.

  • Steffi

    Womb Blessing & Healing - Womb Activation - Spirit Baby Communication & Guidance - Rites of Passage - Divine Conception & Soul Birth - Birth Imprints & Trauma

    Stefanie is a Mother of three daughters, Magdalene Womb Alchemist, Spirit Baby Guide, Divine Birth Priestess, Light Weaver, Moon Mother, and Yoga teacher. A pioneer in the realm of the awakened feminine, she serves as an alchemist for the energies of the New Earth.

    Stefanie works with women worldwide from pre-conception to pregnancy, birth, and into motherhood & beyond. It is often the spirit babies guiding their mothers from all over the world to seek her wisdom and support in weaving magic together. She now brings her soul’s work of reuniting women as the Magdalenes, facilitating powerful womb co-creations that infuse Mother Earth with a new frequency and that open new light channels for spirit babies to come Earth side.

  • Ute

    Energy Healing

    Ute is an energy healer from Germany. In her individual sessions, the focus is on awakening the Shakti and connecting with Shiva. The approach increasingly involves dissolving blockages at a deep cellular level to emerge into the light with strength and initiate healing.

    For many years, Ute has applied her disposition voluntarily in a foundation, primarily focusing on children with disabilities and their parents. These interactions with children have consistently touched her deeply. Over the years, she has been working with ever-increasing energies, to which they are guided and regularly empowered. The treatments themselves are conducted remotely over the phone and last for 1 hour and 15 minutes, with approximately half an hour dedicated to consciousness work. This consciousness work is seamlessly integrated into a deep meditation, which can also be described as a Kundalini journey.

Not sure who to work with?

Our team will be happy to advise you how to get started on your journey.