Meet Kaylan
My story is one of healing and recovery from post traumatic stress disorder.
The long journey of learning about my self, my body and my mind. Overcoming challenges and obstacles with alternative.
Hello my name is kaylan gonzalez. I'm a Hollistic Health practitioner from Gibraltar and ive always had a passion for sports, especially boxing.
All my life I’ve worked in public service. I started as a TA soldier and I was a post man at the same time, i moved on to become a prison officer and finally achieved my dream job as a firefighter.
Life had other plans for me. I was forced to leave sooner than I expected due to PTSD.
Check out Kaylan’s GIB talk about his journey of healing from PTSD.
There are many causes why someone could be diagnosed with this disorder. In my case, the mains ones were Child hood trauma / family members passing away / bad accidents / unhealthy relationships and exposure to traumatic events.
The way i dealt with these experiences in the past where very unhealthy. I was fortunate that idid not become dependent to drugs or alcohol.
But I did become very obsessed with training as it was the only way that I knew how to get a relief from the pain I was in. It was a matter of just pushing on I was never shown otherwise.
Battling with Stress anxiety depression and OCD became the norm for many years. I was stuck in a negative loop. Eventually I went to see different therapists and i tried EMDR AND CBT.
But this only changed my state for a while, it didn't last long. Until i returned back to the negative loop I reached a point that i had to even stop training, as I felt worse after it. It wasn't helping anymore. The older I got the condition got worse. I was running out of ways to deal with it.
So travelling became my new escape until i took it to the extreme and i got burnt out again.
My mental health declined massively. My emotions where all over the place. I had intrustive thoughts. Paranoia and phobias Panic attacks. Nightmares.
Problems with sexuality and identity. Brain fog. I couldn't focus on anything. I was totally disconnected from my body, and completely detached from reality.
It left me bed bound for months. This got me asking myself many questions. It felt like i was having a mid life crisis. I felt like a failure. My image of my self completely shuttered. My body shut down I also ended up with. Holes on my lower intestines known as leaky gut.
I had Fribomyalagia Hypoglycaemia. Adrenal fatigue, all at the same time.
I was in constant pain daily. I didn't want to be alive anymore. I hit rock bottom. I did have similar symptoms in the past but this time it was the worst it had ever been. I really considered committing suicide. But something inside said i had to push on one last time. This time I realized I had to do something differently. If I wanted to get different results. So i went deeper into my healing journey.
The first thing idid was go all in into a Vipassana retreat.
On the 6th day in one of sessions my meditation I had an out of body experience. These episodes are often also reported by people who've had a near-death experience. I had My body in front of me and I was viewing everything from a larger perspective. All my senses where heightened. My breath was super fresh, as if I was at the top of the Himalayan mountains. I could hear things from far away. The colours around me became more vivid.
And I had a beautiful ecstatic feeling over, it felt like bliss. It reminded me that all that we are looking for, already lives inside of us. It's who we are.
The mindfulness and Meditation practices that I learned taught me how to accept my emotions and observe them without judgement. How to become aware of self talk. How to be more kind to my self and learn how to say no to others. Set boundaries. Be more patient with myself. How to relax
And let go of control. All in all I learnt how to become my best friend. The aim is to establish healthy habits that you can maintain for the rest of your life.
If you resonate with my story and feel the call for me to be your guide in your own spiritual journey don't hesitate to contact me or follow the Truly Conscious Podcast.