Meet Patrick

Meet Patrick Jeffs, a beacon of light in the realm of holistic healing and spiritual guidance. As a Siddha initiate, Patrick delves deep into the sacred lineage of ancient wisdom, embodying the timeless teachings of self-realization and holistic wellness.

His means of coaching, healing and working as a wholistic practitioner consist of unique methods dependent on the necessary modality or technique required to obtain desired results. If you feel drawn you'll know that you are meant to work together.

With a profound understanding of ancestral healing, Patrick serves as a bridge between past and present, guiding individuals on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery. Through his ancestral lineage healing work, he facilitates the resolution of deep-seated wounds and the liberation from intergenerational patterns, empowering individuals to reclaim their innate wholeness and vitality.

As a personal coach, Patrick offers compassionate support and guidance, helping clients navigate life's challenges with clarity, resilience, and grace. His intuitive insights and holistic approach empower individuals to awaken their true potential and live authentically aligned with their purpose and values.

“I feel honored to be able to write a reference for Patrick.  His patience and wisdom was exactly what I needed while I was fumbling along. His ability to look within and then guide me with his kind words, prompting or support is a gift.  Love and compassion radiates from Patrick and this been an inspiration to me on my journey.  I truly believe that all would benefit from his healing presence.“

- Derik

As the visionary founder of Lokahi Healing Initiatives, Patrick leads transformative retreats and community development projects worldwide. Rooted in the principles of harmony and unity, Lokahi Healing Initiatives foster collective healing and restoration, nurturing a global community dedicated to the upliftment of humanity and the restoration of our sacred connection to the Earth.

Through Lokahi Healing Initiatives' Human Restoration Projects, Patrick spearheads initiatives aimed at addressing social injustices, environmental degradation, and the restoration of indigenous wisdom. By weaving together ancient teachings with modern activism, he inspires individuals to become agents of positive change, co-creating a world of compassion, harmony, and abundance for all.

More about Patrick

In Patrick James Jeffs, we find not just a healer and guide, but a visionary leader committed to igniting the spark of transformation within each of us and weaving a tapestry of healing, restoration, and love that reverberates throughout the world.

Patrick James Jeffs is a dedicated Siddha Initiate and holistic practitioner whose profound journey in the healing arts is deeply rooted in the ancestral wisdom of his lineage. With a passionate commitment to unraveling the intricate layers of mother-father wounds and intergenerational trauma, Patrick facilitates soul rebirthing holistic transformation and integration of personal processes. 

Drawing from ancient wisdom and contemporary modalities, Patrick's approach seamlessly integrates coaching, somatic therapy, and energy healing. His method is a fusion of time-honored practices and innovative techniques, tailored to address the unique needs of each individual.

At the heart of Patrick's work lies a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Through the art of crystal grid work, he orchestrates a harmonious symphony of energies, guiding clients towards the recalibration of their essential nature and the restoration of organic wellbeing.

Patrick's dedication to the healing journey is not merely professional but deeply personal. His own transformative experiences have shaped his empathy and intuition, allowing him to walk alongside his clients with compassion and authenticity.

As a beacon of light in the realm of holistic healing, Patrick James Jeffs embodies the essence of healing as a sacred journey of self-discovery and empowerment, inviting all who seek healing to embark on a profound and transformative path towards wholeness.

More about Patrick’s Healing Modalities

1111 Awakening the Frequency - An Activation founded on Ancient Modalities

Unlock the power of 1111. The awakening code that beckons you to step into your true potential and embrace the infinite possibilities of the great Mother/Father/Creator. As you encounter this divine synchronicity, feel your consciousness expanding, your intuition awakening, and your path illuminated with clarity and purpose. Embrace the magic of 1111 as a sign from the universe that you are ready to embark on a journey of transformation, liberation, and self-realization. Trust in the guidance of the cosmos and allow the energy of 1111 to ignite your inner light, guiding you towards a life of abundance, alignment, and joy.

Siddha Lineage Connection

The profound heritage of the Siddha lineage, renowned for its spiritual mastery and pursuit of divine consciousness. Within this tradition lies a rich tapestry of ancient wisdom, encompassing practices such as yoga, meditation, alchemy, and energy healing. Central to Siddha teachings is the profound utilization of crystals for healing, rooted in the understanding of their unique energetic properties. Siddhas recognized crystals as conduits for divine energy, utilizing them to harmonize imbalances and promote holistic healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. These ancient crystal healing techniques, coupled with the power of intention and spiritual attunement, continue to inspire practitioners worldwide, offering a transformative path towards self-realization, healing, and spiritual evolution.

The Siddha lineage traces its roots back to ancient India, where Siddhas, meaning "perfected ones," were spiritual adepts who attained profound states of realization and mastery over the body, mind, and spirit. This tradition emphasizes the realization of divine consciousness within oneself and the use of various spiritual practices, including yoga, meditation, alchemy, and energy healing, to achieve spiritual liberation and self-realization.

One of the remarkable aspects of the Siddha tradition is its profound understanding and utilization of the energetic properties of crystals for healing and transformation. In ancient times, Siddhas discovered that different crystals possess unique vibrations and energies that can interact with the subtle energy systems of the body, facilitating healing and harmonizing imbalances.

Ancient crystal healing techniques employed by Siddhas often involve the placement of crystals on or around the body, creating energy grids or patterns that amplify the flow of energy and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. These techniques are rooted in the belief that crystals act as conduits for divine energy, facilitating the removal of blockages and the restoration of balance within the individual's energy field.

Furthermore, Siddhas understood the significance of intention and consciousness in crystal healing, recognizing that the practitioner's focused intention and spiritual attunement play a vital role in the effectiveness of the healing process. By harnessing the power of crystals in alignment with higher spiritual principles, Siddhas sought to facilitate profound healing, spiritual awakening, and the realization of one's highest potential.

Today, the ancient wisdom of the Siddha lineage and its crystal healing techniques continue to inspire practitioners worldwide, offering a powerful path for holistic healing, personal transformation, and spiritual evolution.

Sound as a Tool for Transformation

Sound as a healing modality holds deep roots in ancient lineages across diverse cultures and civilizations, reflecting a timeless recognition of the profound effects of sound vibrations on the human body, mind, and spirit.

In ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, India, and China, sound was revered as a potent tool for healing and spiritual transformation. Practices such as chanting, drumming, singing bowls, and the use of sacred instruments were integral components of ritualistic ceremonies aimed at restoring balance, harmonizing energies, and facilitating healing on multiple levels.

For example, in ancient India, the practice of Nada Yoga, or the yoga of sound, emphasized the transformative power of sound vibrations to purify the mind, awaken spiritual consciousness, and promote holistic healing.

Similarly, in ancient Egypt, the priests and priestesses of temples such as the Hathor Temple at Dendera utilized sacred instruments like the sistrum and vocal chants to invoke the healing presence of deities such as Hathor, goddess of music and healing. These rituals were believed to facilitate the removal of energetic blockages and restore harmony within the individual and the community.

Across indigenous cultures worldwide, sound has been central to healing practices for millennia. Shamans and healers often employ techniques such as drumming, rattling, chanting, and vocal toning to enter altered states of consciousness, commune with the spirit world, and facilitate healing for individuals and communities.

The enduring presence of sound healing in ancient lineages underscores its universal significance and effectiveness as a healing modality. Today, modern practitioners continue to draw inspiration from these ancient traditions, integrating them with contemporary understanding and technologies to offer holistic approaches to healing, wellness, and spiritual evolution.


1-1 coaching as a transformational therapy" represents a deeply personalized approach to healing and growth, focusing on individualized support and guidance to facilitate profound transformation on all levels of being—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Unlike traditional therapy, which may delve primarily into past experiences and psychological processes, 1-1 coaching as a transformational therapy is future-focused and action-oriented, aiming to empower individuals to create positive change and manifest their highest potential.

Central to this approach is the collaborative partnership between the coach and the client, wherein the coach serves as a supportive ally, guide, and accountability partner in the client's journey of self-discovery and personal development. Through active listening, powerful questioning, and compassionate encouragement, the coach helps the client gain clarity, identify goals, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve their desired outcomes.

Transformational coaching recognizes that true healing and growth require a holistic approach, addressing not only surface-level symptoms but also underlying beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that may be holding the individual back. By exploring core values, limiting beliefs, and unconscious patterns, the coach helps the client uncover their inner wisdom and unlock their innate potential for transformation.

In addition to exploring internal processes, 1-1 coaching as a transformational therapy often incorporates practical tools and techniques from various modalities, such as mindfulness practices, somatic awareness, visualization exercises, and goal-setting strategies. These tools empower the client to cultivate self-awareness, build resilience, and take inspired action towards creating the life they desire.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a holistic healing modality that harnesses the energetic properties of crystals to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Based on the belief that crystals possess unique vibrations and energies, crystal healing practitioners use various techniques to interact with these energies and facilitate healing within the individual.

The fundamental premise of crystal healing is that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is composed of energy. When our energy becomes imbalanced or blocked, it can manifest as physical illness, emotional distress, or spiritual disconnection. Crystals are believed to emit vibrations that resonate with specific energy centers (chakras) and aspects of our being, making them powerful tools for restoring balance and harmony.

During a crystal healing session, the practitioner selects crystals based on their properties and the client's specific needs. These crystals may be placed on or around the body, aligned with the chakras, or used in grids or layouts to create a synergistic energy field. Through intention, visualization, and sometimes sound or breathwork, the practitioner channels energy into the crystals, activating their healing potential and facilitating energy flow within the client's energy field.

As the client interacts with the crystals' energies, they may experience sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of relaxation and peace. Over time, regular crystal healing sessions can help to release energetic blockages, alleviate physical symptoms, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance emotional wellbeing, and support spiritual growth and alignment.

It's important to note that while many people find benefit from crystal healing, it is considered a complementary therapy and should not replace conventional medical treatment. Additionally, individual experiences with crystal healing can vary, and the effectiveness of the modality may depend on factors such as belief, intention, and receptivity.

Overall, crystal healing offers a gentle and non-invasive approach to holistic wellness, inviting individuals to tap into the innate wisdom of the Earth and the healing power of crystals to support their journey towards health, balance, and wholeness.

Sound Healing

Sound healing is a holistic modality that utilizes the vibrational frequencies of sound to promote healing, relaxation, and overall wellbeing. Rooted in ancient traditions and cultures worldwide, sound healing recognizes the profound impact that sound vibrations can have on the human body, mind, and spirit.

The foundation of sound healing lies in the understanding that everything in the universe, including ourselves, is in a constant state of vibration. When we experience physical or emotional disharmony, our vibrations may become imbalanced. Sound healing seeks to restore harmony by introducing specific frequencies and vibrations that resonate with our natural state of balance.

During a sound healing session, various instruments and techniques may be used to produce therapeutic sounds, including singing bowls, tuning forks, drums, gongs, vocal toning, and chanting. Each of these instruments emits unique frequencies that interact with the body's energy centers, or chakras, as well as the subtle energy field surrounding the body.

As the client listens to or feels the vibrations of the sound, they may experience a deep sense of relaxation, release, and inner peace. Sound healing can help to reduce stress and anxiety, alleviate physical pain, improve sleep quality, enhance mental clarity and focus, and facilitate emotional healing and spiritual growth.

The effectiveness of sound healing is not only attributed to the specific frequencies emitted by the instruments but also to the intention and skill of the practitioner. Through focused intention and intuitive guidance, practitioners of sound healing create a safe and nurturing space for clients to explore and experience profound states of healing and transformation.

Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki is a powerful healing modality that channels the healing energy of the angelic realm to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Rooted in the belief that angels are divine beings of unconditional love and compassion, Angelic Reiki practitioners serve as channels for angelic energy to flow through them and into the recipient.

At the heart of Angelic Reiki is the understanding that the angels work with the practitioner and recipient to address the root causes of illness, imbalance, and disharmony. Unlike traditional Reiki, which primarily focuses on channeling universal life force energy, Angelic Reiki invokes the presence and assistance of angels, archangels, and ascended masters to support the healing process.

During an Angelic Reiki session, the practitioner establishes a sacred space and invokes the presence of angelic beings through prayer and intention. The practitioner then acts as a conduit for angelic energy to flow into the recipient, either through gentle touch or by directing the energy with their hands.

As the angelic energy permeates the recipient's energy field, it works to clear blockages, release stagnant energy, and restore balance on all levels of being. Angelic Reiki is deeply nurturing and supportive, offering a profound sense of peace, love, and divine connection to both the practitioner and recipient.

One of the unique aspects of Angelic Reiki is its ability to work on a soul level, addressing not only present-life issues but also past-life trauma, karmic patterns, and soul contracts. By working with the angels and higher spiritual beings, Angelic Reiki facilitates deep healing and transformation, helping individuals to align with their highest potential and soul purpose.

As a complementary therapy, Angelic Reiki can be used alongside conventional medical treatments to enhance healing outcomes and promote holistic wellbeing. Whether seeking physical healing, emotional support, or spiritual guidance, Angelic Reiki offers a gentle and loving approach to healing, inviting individuals to reconnect with the divine wisdom and love of the angelic realm.