Meet Finóla

Hi All. My name is Finóla Ann McGreevy. 

Is mise Finóla Ann Nic Giolla Riabhaigh. 

I am an Artist and Art Psychotherapist. A Family Constellations Facilitator (Ancestral Therapy). I am a Reiki Master in several forms, working with an integration of Usui, Celtic Shamanism and Magdalene Rose Energies. I am a Shamanic journey Guide and Meditation and Breathwork teacher. Medium, Channel and Oracle card reader.

And don't worry, if none of this makes any sense to you, I can offer support with that too. I will meet you where you are at with whatever service best compliments your needs. If it is simple, direct therapy, then I am here.  If it is deep diving into Spiritual Psycho complexities, then I am also here.  I have experience in Clinical, Academic and Spiritual Medicine spaces, and have found my sweet spot in the middle of it all.  

I have deep dived many times in my personal process with many years of deep dark Depression and Anxiety; Physical and Mental illnesses, Medication that numbed but did not heal the root cause of my pain; extreme feelings of loss; separation; suffering and self harming habits; intense Rage, Fear, Self judgement... You name it. There have been many times in this life where I could not see the light between the dark woods and I doubted that I would ever feel as Grateful (Greatfull) as I do now for absolutely all of it.  

I embrace my inner Victim and Perpetrator with deep Love for all polarities within me and within all of us. 

I have been practicing Meditation and Shamanic journeying for over 12 years. I qualified as a Reiki Master in 2020.

My Art Therapy work (with children and adults) informs all my other practices, as well as 1-1 and group sessions in this area, I infuse Art into all practices, including my card readings. 

I often channel symbols, images, words etc during a reading and find it an integral part of the process to draw these for the client to keep and work with post session.  

More about Finóla’s Offerings

In my work and play, I honour and welcome the ancestors, the guides of myself and the client, and the Sacred elements and directions of the Medicine Wheel.  Having recently qualified as a Family Constellations Facilitator, I am strongly influenced by honouring the cycles and experiences of the Land and our Ancestors. 

I understand and acknowledge the patterns which affect and bind us all.  My intention is always the highest good and most loving vibration of each person I work with, as we walk hand in hand into the Dawn of this New Earth we are all co-creating. With the Greatest of Love. 

I practice and offer Creative Integration in everything I Am and do. I offer individual and unique combinations of the works I have mentioned. 1-1 and groups.

I have 5 years experience working with children and adults seperatly, and Families together as a qualified Art PsychoTherapist. I have worked intensively with Trauma; particularly Grief and Rage.  

I hold a special place with these deep emotional processes. I work without Judgement and with the Greatest of Compassion. 

I have also volunteered and been teaching and supporting children, & those of all ages, since I myself was a teenager; so at least 15 years experience.  I offer Therapeutic Art and Poetry writing workshops and also Face painting. 

My passion is offering Art sensory play sessions for kids and parents so they can connect through shared Art experience and understanding. "Creative Connection". 

I am also very passionate about offering creative integration for those who have experienced plant medicine, as I have much personal experience with these journeys. 

Through this online platform I am offering intuitive, integration and therapeutic exploration sessions. Which means I can can offer a combination of Creative Therapy and Ancestral Trauma healing. 

In these sessions we can look at specific topics and patterns that are causing you difficulty, or if you don't know, we can feel into what it is, you most need to receive in that moment and I will hold space for you, meeting you wherever you are at. We can talk, or not. We can make Art, or not. We can look at your Ancestral, Family and Relationships patterns. Or you can simply receive a gentle and supportive energy session and intuitive reading from me. 

I incorporate energy healing, grounding and regulation when needed. 

Art to me is a place to connect with our deep subconscious emotions, to find our courage, to nourish our inner child and to empower ourselves as Adults.  Art gives us the tools we need in order to Trust the Process of Life.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, lost, confused, blocked, or deeply frustrated; with all my heart I feel you; I know these places intimately. I have explored the depths of the psyche, to breaking point and back again, over and over.  I now Trust in the great Wisdom in all of this and I am so honoured to share any and all support I can with you.  I am privileged to guide your process as you move through.


You are here for a reason. I look forward to meeting you with Love, Compassion and Inspiration.

We are all in this... Together we Rise. 

Grá Mór agus Míle Buochois. 

Big Love and Much Gratitude

You can also find me @force_of_nature_with_finola and @DragonFlyHeartMedicineStudios

More About Finóla’s Modalities

Family Constellations

Family Constellations is a profound Transformational form of therapy. Often practiced in a community group context, yet equally powerful in a 1-1 setting.

Often times the patterns that repeat or blockages that restrict our lives can come from things unacknowledged or unprocessed in our family experience.

Family Constellations can be very supportive in addressing relationship issues, physical and mental illnesses, unhealthy patterns, habits or addictions, confusions or lack of connection in the family or within ourselves.

This form of the modality was created by a German man called Bert Hellinger, who combined his experience as a qualified Psychotherapist, with his Christian Spirituality and his time spent with the Zulu people of Africa. There he learned the power of honouring and acknowledging our Ancestors, and how harmony can be created through a family model of therapy. He dedicated his life to this Therapy and it is now a recognised practice across the world.

We are all part of the great Constellation of humanity and within that, we have the Constellation of the family we are born into. In a group context we invite people to Represent a person or issue in our lives to bring clarity and acceptance. 1-1 we utilise figures to represent for us. The process is guided by our bodies wisdom and our somatic experience of the trauma we carry. You will be supported and held to explore safely at your own pace.